It’s critical to have some back & forth with the people you want to represent. You can check some recent activity below, both comments/questions and my responses. NOTE: Facebook does a lot of comment ‘filtering’ – normally it defaults to what their computers feel is ‘Most Relevant’…. You can change the option to show ‘All’.

Rittenhouse, Racism, & Social Justice
We need Members of Congress to lead and bring us together. Two big surprises for me: We give a Black President two terms and have a popular First Lady. Now we learn we’re a country of racists. I’m told Rittenhouse is a vigilante shooting at innocent people — and I learn none of that was true.
How’d it happen, how do we fix it?

Term Limits – The Best Fix for Better Government
After Franklin Roosevelt had four terms as President, Congress amended the Constitution to a two term limit — Almost all the problems we see with politicians: corruption, insensitivity, out-of-touch, and cronyism occur after numerous terms in office. It’s not about serving you, but staying in power.
Let’s get back to -> It’s not your job for life, but an opportunity to serve, and then make room for someone else.

The National Debt
We’ve all seen numbers: budget: $3,820,000,000,000, tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000, current debt: $29,271,000,000,000
Relate it to your family budget (REMOVE 8 zeroes from each number):
Annual family income: $21,700
Annual family expenditures: $38,200
Outstanding balance on credit cards: $292,710
Ouch! How long can we spend money we don’t have? We hear calls for FREE college, FREE daycare, more tax CREDITS. How much and how do we decide?
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