For folks who feel comfortable using a cellphone app. We support using the ArcGIS Explorer app to help you identify each voters home and the best route. It’s free and does not require any of your personal data. Tried it and don’t like it? We always supply a voter list with everyone’s address sorted by street.
Below are the setup instructions.
Step 1: Download ArcGIS Explorer on your phone. You can find it in the app store for both iPhones and Android phones
Step 2: Login as a guest.
Step 3: Using the search bar at the top, enter the zones provided in your email from us. The general format will be “Murtari (insert county name and town name) Zone (X)“. For example, if you are covering the town of Arcadia, the name will be “Murtari Wayne County Arcadia Zone 1 & 2”
Step 4: Open the map. You’ll see symbols showing which houses have Republican voters. Tap on the symbol and a popup appears with the name and address of the voter. If multiple voters live at the same address, multiple popups will be available to choose. Explorer also links to whichever directions app you have installed on your phone, like Google Maps or Waze for when you’re driving.
Step 5: If you are in a town that has multiple zones, open the layers menu (third tab from the right at the top of the map, looks like two sheets of paper on top of each other) and select whichever zone you were assigned in the email. For example, if you were assigned Arcadia Zone 1, you would deselect the option for Arcadia Zone 2, so you wouldn’t see the addresses in Zone 2 on your map.